Windows 10 is a great OS. It has many improved features over the previous versions of windows. However, there may be cases when the OS may crash or get corrupted. In such situations, the installation of the OS is the main concern. And successfully complete the installations process, you will need the product key of your OS. It is very important to backup the Windows product key for such situations.
Backing up the product key is not that a challenge in Windows 10. It is a 3 step process. With these 3 steps, you can make the life of your computer much longer.
So, let’s start with the process which will save your computer in the long run in case of some mishaps.
At first, you have to press “Win+R” at the same simultaneously. In the new space, you have to write “notepad” and press “Enter”.
After the “Notepad” has opened, you have to copy the given script on to it:
#Main function
Function GetWin8Key
$Hklm = 2147483650
$Target = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$regPath = “Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion”
$DigitalID = “DigitalProductId”
$wmi = [WMIClass]”\\$Target\root\default:stdRegProv”
#Get registry value
$Object = $wmi.GetBinaryValue($hklm,$regPath,$DigitalID)
[Array]$DigitalIDvalue = $Object.uValue
#If get successed
#Get producnt name and product ID
$ProductName = (Get-itemproperty -Path “HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion” -Name “ProductName”).ProductName
$ProductID = (Get-itemproperty -Path “HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion” -Name “ProductId”).ProductId
#Convert binary value to serial number
$Result = ConvertTokey $DigitalIDvalue
$OSInfo = (Get-WmiObject “Win32_OperatingSystem” | select Caption).Caption
If($OSInfo -match “Microsoft Windows 8” -or $OSInfo -match “Microsoft Windows 10”)
{[string]$value =”ProductName : $ProductName `r`n” `
+ “ProductID : $ProductID `r`n” `
+ “Installed Key: $Result”
#Save Windows info to a file
$Choice = GetChoice
If( $Choice -eq 0 )
$txtpath = “C:\Users\”+$env:USERNAME+”\Desktop”
New-Item -Path $txtpath -Name “WindowsKeybackup.txt” -Value $value -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
Elseif($Choice -eq 1)
Write-Warning “Please run this script on Windows 8.x or Windows 10”
Write-Warning “Please run this script on Windows 8.”
Write-Warning “Failed to get Windows 8 product key,Some error occured.”
#Get user choice
Function GetChoice
$yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription “&Yes”,””
$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription “&No”,””
$choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes,$no)
$caption = “Confirming”
$message = “Save product key to a file?”
$result = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($caption,$message,$choices,0)
#Convert binary to serial number
Function ConvertToKey($Key)
$Keyoffset = 52
$isWin8 = [int]($Key[66]/6) -band 1
$HF7 = 0xF7
$Key[66] = ($Key[66] -band $HF7) -bOr (($isWin8 -band 2) * 4)
$i = 24
[String]$Chars = “BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789”
$Cur = 0
$X = 14
$Cur = $Cur * 256
$Cur = $Key[$X + $Keyoffset] + $Cur
$Key[$X + $Keyoffset] = [math]::Floor([double]($Cur/24))
$Cur = $Cur % 24
$X = $X – 1
}while($X -ge 0)
$i = $i- 1
$KeyOutput = $Chars.SubString($Cur,1) + $KeyOutput
$last = $Cur
}while($i -ge 0)$Keypart1 = $KeyOutput.SubString(1,$last)
$Keypart2 = $KeyOutput.Substring(1,$KeyOutput.length-1)
if($last -eq 0 )
$KeyOutput = “N” + $Keypart2
$KeyOutput = $Keypart2.Insert($Keypart2.IndexOf($Keypart1)+$Keypart1.length,”N”)
$a = $KeyOutput.Substring(0,5)
$b = $KeyOutput.substring(5,5)
$c = $KeyOutput.substring(10,5)
$d = $KeyOutput.substring(15,5)
$e = $KeyOutput.substring(20,5)
$keyproduct = $a + “-” + $b + “-“+ $c + “-“+ $d + “-“+ $e
Now, you have to name the file followed by the extension “.ps1”. Then, you have to click “Save” and save the file at any location of your choice.
However, if you want to make the backup safer, then you can take the help of PowerShell. It is a scripting language and a command-line shell, which is task-based. This is made primarily for system administration. It is used for controlling and automating the application that runs on Windows and the Windows OS, by the power users and the IT professionals.
At first, you have to download PowerShell. Then, you have to follow the given steps to successfully execute the backup process.
And that’s all you have to do to backup your windows product key by using PowerShell.
So, by following these two methods, you will be able to successfully backup Windows product key of Windows 10. The traditional way of backup is good, but the method of backup by using PowerShell is much better. PowerShell will be able to give a more secure and flexible backup option.
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