Design & Development

What are the Quality Tips for Web Developers?

Web developers have to face a great deal of pressure. When you are building content or doing coding, your manager, clients and the teammates want it as quickly as possible and it also has to be perfect.

The tech teams of today are always expected to be responsive through phones, emails. This affects the time you want to put in your work. Due to this, the stress is increasing and also some emotional burnouts and unhealthy habits.

So, here are some tips for Web Developers which can decrease their stress level.

What are the Quality Tips for Web Developers?

You have to be careful not to give in to the stress. Different people understand mindful and self-care tips differently. Ahead in the article, I will discuss these strategies and you can see which ones will work for you.

Pay Attention to your Needs

Many struggles with the role of a web developer because it is a very isolating job. You probably have to spend your whole day with your head down in front of your computer if you were good at your job.

This causes a disconnection from yourself and other people. Hence you should take out time and ask questions to yourself like, “Am I in a good headspace? What do I need?  How am I feeling right now?” 

There is a huge difference between being critically aware of what you are doing and being in your head and solving the problems. For example, you know you have to finish a particular work, so you are forcing through it, but in the process, you are not aware that you have to go to the bathroom or that you are hungry.

It is good to stop, breathe and realize what actually is going on. This is useful when you are in stress or pressure to complete the work. You can then adjust your attitude accordingly.

You should always pay attention to what you are feeling at the moment, both physically and mentally. For example, you may be feeling frustrated, or you may be thirsty. Then you should try taking a short break or get something to drink.

At around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, when you are likely to get cranky, try setting a reminder on your phone to take a break and eat something or listen to some music.

Dont Do Multitasking

It is a big misconception about the idea of multitasking. In studies, It is seen that if you concentrate on a single work, it will be completed quickly, rather than when you start multiple works at the same time. 

Besides, also hard to concentrate on a single work when you are being pulled out constantly by meetings and conversations. Also, the things on your to-do-list can often overwhelm you. 

To get your focus on one task, you can have to understand that the current task you are doing is also solving someone’s problem. Sometimes this can calm you down and you can get your concentration back.

You also need to understand the time of the day, in which you are at your best. In this time do all your work and shift all your conversations and meetings to some other time. When you will be at your best you will be able to do most of the work in less time. Your productivity will also increase.

Don’t Withhold Anything from your Team and Promote Courageousness

Today, a developer is a part of a team of people with expertise in different fields. It’s very important for this to function in a cohesive manner to successfully complete a task. For example, a team can have team members like user experience designers, copywriters, quality assurance and engineers. 

All of them have a different style of communication and different types of work. So, we have to rely on technology to stay connected as some of the developers are also far away.

To create a culture of courageousness, it’s very important to have an open conversation. In these types of conversation you can also tell what things are not working for you. 

Creating a space for the team member where they can tell what is not working for them or if they are frustrated. It’s good for the team’s productivity. In this space, a member can tell their grievances and then the team can try to solve that problem. Otherwise, that team member would be suffering from that problem without telling you and in the process hampering your team’s productivity. 

“Search Inside Yourself” is a well-defined workspace mindfulness practice by Google. Google did a study to find the factor which makes a team perform better. It was found that “psychological safety” is the factor that can motivate a team to work better. 

This can be achieved by creating an environment and culture which will make the team member feel that they can share their problem, talk about their feelings and have social safety. 

The workers will feel more connected and invested with their coworkers if they feel they can say that they have made a mistake and they will not be scrutinized for that. 

When a person quits a job, they basically are not quitting bad job, they are quitting bad people. People usually think that it is business and there is no need to be emotional. This kind of thinking does not let such open space to exist. All people want to get heard and be understood. People will be truly invested in what they are doing if they are connected.

To Reevaluate Your Stress by Puttin Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes

Stress can occur due to a number of reasons. It can be because of the fact that your team member is submitting a change in the last moment, or your boss wants you to complete work in less time than originally decided.

These situations tend to annoy you or may put mental pressure on you. But, you need to assess these situations and eliminate any stress which is completely unnecessary.

You must first put yourself in the other person’s shoes rather than getting stressed out or annoyed. First, you should stop and consider the pain or the pressure which is driving that person, because they too may be facing the pressure themselves.

Before making any assumptions of the person, you should always get into conversations to understand what is actually going on.

Go for Guided Meditation

If you are feeling stressed and having a problem sleeping, you can try a guided meditation to calm you down. You can see a therapist so that they can suggest what types of meditation will be good for you. Besides, there are also a number of apps that provide guided meditation. 

Set a Goal For Your Day

When you are starting your day, see how you are feeling and what are your goals going to be depending on the challenges that lay ahead.

Let’s say that you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, then it will be “patience, and if you are stressed out, then it has to be “focus”, or if you are feeling happy, then it has to be finding joy in whatever task is at hand. Thinking these thoughts throughout the day will really work well.

Tackle Difficult Conversation Thoughtfully

A part of being a professional is to engage in uncomfortable conversations, like, your boss is pleased with the project you have submitted, or a client is not happy.

In these cases, first you have to stop and take a deep breath, and then decide what you want to say to them. By taking this time you will be able to properly answer their queries rather than just rushing into the conversation.

You can make them understand your situation and ask them for a second chance. To prevent any aggressive back and forth, you have to be intensional with your words. This will make you answer in a clear mind.


The main motive for these mindful tips for web developers is to make yourself feel satisfied. This way you will not get stressed out easily. Some people may find one method effective while the other person can another method more effective.

Francis L. Crosby

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